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Showing posts from July, 2020

The Opportunities are Endless

Had to take a break from doing my hair to bring you this nugget of inspiration! Watch the Vlog. Stop the excuses! The world is like an ocean of opportunities. It all comes down to YOU! Enjoy!!  P.S. Stay tuned for my Side Hustle video coming soon.

Un Clavo Saca A Otro Clavo! (One nail takes out another nail)

Good evening Queen Bees! I hope and pray that this video reaches the right person at the right time, and that healing finds them in return. Blessings!   P.S. Had to edit the video to make it as short as possible so please excuse the music cutting in and out.  

Stop The Cycle of Broke Mentality In Your Family.

  On this Vlog I share how my 22 year old daughter Thalia is on a plan to save a half million dollars by putting away only $50 per month.