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Showing posts from June, 2020

Buffalo by Choice

Hola Queen ( and King) Bees! I got this cup as a gift from my mentor recently as a symbol of perseverance. "Entrepreneur by Birth, BUFFALO by Choice" Are you a Buffalo? Let me tell you the story of the Buffalo vs the Cow.... the way it was revealed to my spirit. Animals can sense when a storm is coming. When a tornado makes its way through a field a Cow gets scared. It starts running away from the tornado. Eventually the slow and tired cow gets sucked up by the storm causing it pain and long suffering (probably death). A Buffalo on the other hand sees the tornado coming and gets ready to take it on. As the storm gets closer the buffalo charges at full speed straight into the storm. The buffalo is able to break through the storm and come out from the other side. Less pain, less suffering, no death! When life's storms show up in your life, are you a cow or are you a Buffalo?
  1980s... Age 11-ish.   I was the kind of kid that played hide and seek in the projects, running past drug dealers and smoke filled stairwells to find a good hiding spot. But even all that fun couldn't keep me from stopping dead in my tracks when I came by the tall building at the top of the hill. The windows on the first floor were at the perfect height and if the shades were up high enough I could see all the excitement inside.   It was the leasing office. There was just something about seeing someone behind a desk and watching their fingers move gracefully along the typewriter, the way the receptionist held the phone receiver between her shoulder and ear while flipping through important documents. I was captivated by the office employees walking back and forth, they all seemed so busy. But I was especially intrigued with my friend's mom, also our neighbor, who had assumed the position of office manager. A working mom was not the norm where I was from. So to me, it was like

A Force To Be Reckoned With

A Force To Be Reckoned With Year 1999! The last thing on my mind was not whether someone could get hurt, all I wanted was to get the anger out! My only focus was smashing into my ex’s new Chrysler. He was going to pay for all my frustration. As I got closer to his car that was perfectly parked in front of his house on Bellevue St, Hartford, I hit the gas head on at full speed. I felt my car crashing into his car smashing the passenger side door and pushing the vehicle up on the sidewalk. Ignoring the whiplash and the damage to my car, I quickly hit reverse and sped off as if I had just robbed a bank. Hittin like 70 on Windsor St, tears coming down my face…. I looked through the rear view mirror and noticed I was being chased. It was on now! I cut back up Pavillion Street to lose them but at the top of the hill, his brothers driving a second car, were waiting. I was blocked. I get out of the car and kick off my heels. My ex and his brothers are coming straight at me like “what the F
Well Hello my little working bees! I hope everyone has been well and healthy. It's been a while so I wanted to bring you a little treat on the topic: Becoming Intentional Many of us are stuck in rut, making little to no progress in our life. This can go on for years and years, and eventually become sort of like a curse of procrastination! In this short video I am sharing how I became intentional about my life, my dreams, my goals and my to-do list! Hope this helps. God bless! Watch FB video: