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Showing posts from May, 2021

Never Let a Man Put Hands on YOU

  I saw blood gush down my mom's mouth and chin after getting punched by my drunk dad. Remember it like it was yesterday. I was standing outside her bedroom door listening to their argument when she suddenly opened the door holding her hands to her face. She was headed to the bathroom.  My dad followed after her violently and I quickly stood in between them to protect her.  I think I was about 10 or 11 years old but I was ready to fight him with all that I had! A rage of anger took over me and I decided in my heart to NEVER let a man put hands on me, abuse me or bring me down.  This is where feisty Patty was born. In every relationship with men that followed I took control immediately.  I set the tone from the beginning that I don't cook, clean nor slave after any man!  You feed yourself and do your own laundry!  I made it clear that I could curse you out when I got angry but don't you dare curse at me or I'd hit you.  I'd buy and wear what I wanted and did what I w